%% Your friendly E-mail Gateways                    by Jonathan Guidry %%
%%                                                Fido-net: 1:3803/6.1 %%

Ever wanted to send an electronic mail item to a person on a totally
different network than which you are a member?  If you have access to
Internet E-mail (FIDOnet users, see note at bottom), you can send mail to
other networks.  The networks that I currently know of that you can send
E-mail to somebody (through Internet mail) are:  GEnie, Compuserve, 
Delphi, BIX, and FIDOnet, and of course, Internet. :)

* Bix *
Format:  Username@bix.com
Example: JBLEAUX@bix.com

* Compuserve * 
Format:  number.address@compuserve.com
Example: 73113.3141@compuserve.com
Note:    Make sure to use a period and not a comma in the address

* GEnie *
Format:  Username@Genie.geis.com
Example: J.BLEAUX@Genie.geis.com

* Delphi *
Format:  Username@delphi.com
Example: JBLEAUX@delphi.com

* Portal *
Format:  Username@cup.portal.com
Example: JBLEAUX@cup.portal.com

* Fidonet *
Format:  FirstName.Lastname@pX.fX.nXXXX.zX.fidonet.org
Example: Jonathan.Guidry@p6.f1.n3803.z1.fidonet.org
Key:     p = the POINT of the system
         f = the NODE of the system
         n = the NET of the system
         z = the ZONE of the system

     For example, if I'm 1:3803/3.4 in FIDOnet, my ZONE is 1, my NET is
3803, my NODE is 3, and my POINT is 4.  If the person doesn't have a POINT
in his addrrss, you can omit the "pX" from the address, thus making the
format:  FirstName.Lastname@fX.nXXXX.zX.fidonet.org


If you are a FIDOnet user, and have access to "NETMAIL", then you can send
Internet mail.  Follow these instructions:

Address the message to "Uucp" at 1:1/31.  The subject can be anything.
In the FIRST line of your message, type "To: username@machine.domain",
leave a blank line, then start your message.  It will be routed to a
FIDOnet to Internet "Gateway" and your message will get out.  By using
this, you can send Internet E-Mail, and thus, you can use the address
formats mentioned above to send mail to GEnie, ect..  Just, please don't
annoy the "Gateway" sysop and send Internet gated FIDOnet netmail to 

If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions, or need clarification
on something, mail me at 1:3803/6.1 on FIDONET, or use

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